Roundup of Global Volcano Activity:
Shiveluch (Kamchatka): A phase of intense activity occurred last night starting at 19:10 UTC, and lasting for about 40 minutes. The activity was probably a major collapse of the dome and/or accompanied by explosions. It produced a large ash plume rising to about 10-12 km altitude (VAAC Tokyo) into the atmosphere. Due to cloud cover, no direct observations could be made. A dust veil of reddish ash (likely originating from older, altered lava, suggesting that the event was largely characterized by partial collapse of the existing dome) engulfed the villages of Lazo and Klyuchi SW of the volcano where a layer of 1 and 2 mm of ash was deposited.
Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia): The group of our current trekking tour on Java climbed the summit of Anak Krakatau on 24 June. Climbing there was very difficult, because of many hot fumarolic spots and strong degassing. The summit of Anak Krakatau is now higher than before the Sep 2012 eruption. One active vent was remaining in the west part.
Veniaminof (Alaska Peninsula, USA): Effusive and weak explosive activity continue. Volcanic tremor and small explosions continue to be detected in seismic data and satellite data continue to show elevated surface temperatures at the intracaldera cone. A light colored plume is rising above the cone to just above the rim of the caldera to about 8,000 to 10,000 feet above sea level and at night, a persistent glow is visible. (AVO)
Pavlov (Alaska Peninsula, USA): The eruption had increased yesterday and produced ash plumes rising up to about 8.5 km (28,000 ft), but has decreased in strength again today. Seismicity had climbed to the highest levels since the beginning of the eruption, suggesting that the magma supply was reinvigorated into a new explosive phase. Ash fall was reported in communities to the southwest of Pavlof, including King Cove, at 48 km (30 miles) distance.
Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Seismic activity has picked up, suggesting that the volcano could be headed for more vigorous activity soon. SO2 emissions on NOAA recent satellite data have been relatively high as well. A magnitude 3.6 volcanic quake occurred on Tuesday night 23:57 local time and was located SE of the crater at 2 km depth. Over 3 hours of low frequency and short amplitude tremor were recorded. An earthquake swarms occurred yesterday as well and another one seems to have started an hour ago.
Santa María / Santiaguito (Guatemala): Activity has not changed much overall, but the viscous lava flow on the south side of the dome has become more active and now produces frequent avalanches. INSIVUMEH warns that these can now sometimes turn into pyroclastic flows. Explosions remain rare and produce maximum plumes of about 1 km height. Ash mainly drifts to the SW and produces fine ash fall in the areas of Finca La Florida and Monte Claro.
Pacaya (Guatemala): Mild, typical strombolian activity has established itself inside the Mackenney crater. "Dry" (not containing much ash) explosions occur frequently and eject incandescent scoria to about 25 m height above the crater and an intra-crater cone, now about 15 m high, is being formed inside the crater. Some of the explosions can be heard in up to 5 km distance. At night, glow can be seen from the crater.
Fuego (Guatemala): Explosions have become more frequent and stronger. Dense ash plumes rose up to 600 m above the crater. Shock waves from the explosions made windows and roof vibrate in houses of Sangre de Cristo, Panimache, Morelia and others in the area. (INSIVUMEH)
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