Saturday, 8 June 2013


Roundup of Global Volcanic Activity:

Etna (Sicily, Italy): During a visit to the summit craters today, we could observe a new hot fumarole in the western pit of the Bocca Nuova, increased bluish degassing from a vent in the saddle between the old and new SE crater and hear deep-seated explosions inside the NE crater. Apart from this, Etna seems to continue its "sleep". Tremor levels have been low during the past weeks, and no eruptive activity has been observed from any of the summit craters since early May.

Sakurajima (Kyushu, Japan): During the past 5 days, no explosions have been recorded by Tokyo VAAC. It seems that the volcano is currently taking a rest and at very low levels of activity, with no or only very small explosions occurring.

Bagana (Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea): Eruptions continue at Bagana. Occasionally, ash plumes are detected on satellite data such as on 4 June when a plume at 8,000 ft (2.4 km) altitude extended 20 nautical miles to the west. (VAAC Darwin)

Ibu (Halmahera, Indonesia): The alert level of the volcano was raised to 3 ("Siaga", "alarm") on a scale of 1-4 by the Indonesian Volcanological Survey. The remote volcano on Halmahera island is rarely visited, but reports from the ground suggest it has been in a state of near-permanent (mostly strombolian) activity for years.

Pavlov (Alaska Peninsula, USA): The renewed eruptive activity (since 4 June) continues at low to moderate levels, accompanied by increased seismic activity. AVO reported low lava fountaining, although webcam images of the plume are more consistent with classic strombolian-type activity. Yesterday morning, ash emissions rose to 14-18,000 ft (4.2-5.6 km) altitude and drifted about 45 km SW. Satellite images show elevated surface temperatures at the summit, consistent with mild explosive and perhaps effusive activity.

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Activity has not changed much and remained comparably low, with about 3 weak to moderate emissions of steam and gas per hour. Occasionally, some of them contained small amounts of ash. Yesterday, 4 volcanic-tectonic quakes of magnitudes between 2.1 and 2.7 occurred.

Pacaya (Guatemala): An emission of fine ash occurred this morning at 04:00 local time, but INSIVUMEH reports no other (e.g. strombolian) activity but degassing from the crater at the moment.

Fuego (Guatemala): The level of activity has been generally very weak recently. During yesterday-today, only two small strombolian explosions were counted. Similarly, the Santiaguito lava dome has been rather calm as well.

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Seismic unrest and elevated degassing (high SO2 output) continue, but no significant eruptive activity at the surface has been observed recently.

Copahue (Chile/Argentina): Seismic unrest continues, but the number and energy of quakes has been decreasing in recent days.

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