Saturday, 12 October 2013


Roundup of Global Volcanic Activity:

Etna (Sicily, Italy): (10 Oct) A swarm of shallow earthquakes occurred yesterday under the SE flank, below Monte Arcimis near Tarderia (Pedara) at depths of 2.7-5.6 km. The two largest events were magnitude 2.7 and felt by local residents.

Klyuchevskoy (Kamchatka): The KVERT reported this morning that a new flank eruption between the volcanoes Kliuchevskoi and Kamen began at around 8:20 UTC. The flank eruption consisted of a strong explosion that lasted around 10 minutes and ejected an ash plume 6-7 kilometres high which then drifted east.

Tungurahua (Ecuador): (10 Oct) The increase of activity continues. The Ecuadorian Instituto Geofísico (IGPEN) reported that seismic and visual activity increased since Sunday. The volcano currently produces mild to moderate strombolian activity, ejecting fresh lava bombs onto the upper slopes of the summit cone. The seismic recordings show in increase in the number of events associated with internal fluid (magma) movements as well as emission/explosion signals.

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