Roundup of Global Volcanic Activity:
Klyuchevskoy (Kamchatka): The violent explosive phase of the eruption ended at 13:00 UTC on October 20. KVERT reported a decrease of the tremor from 150.4 mcm/s to 3.3 mcm/s and the cessation of ash emission that last reached 26,000 ft (8 km) altitude. Lava flows continue to effuse on the south-west, south-east and west volcanic flanks.
Shiveluch (Kamchatka): The growth of the lava dome continues along with strong degassing/steaming and occasional explosions that produce ash plumes rising to up to 4-6 km altitude.
Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): No significant changes in (the currently weak) activity occurred. CENAPRED only recorded 5 weak emissions during 19-20 Oct.
Santa María / Santiaguito (Guatemala): An increase in effusive activity was reported. The observatory mentioned "abundant activity" from two lava flows on the western and southern flank of the Caliente dome, which generate block avalanches. Explosive activity has remained at normal, rather weak levels with infrequent ash explosions ejecting plumes of up to about 700 m height.
Pacaya (Guatemala): Near continuous, relatively strong strombolian activity is visible from Guatemala City. A plume of fine ash from this activity rises to about 2700 m a.s.l. and drifts to the S and SE.
Fuego (Guatemala): A trend of increasing explosive activity is visible over the past days. INSIVUMEH reports weak to moderate explosions with ash plumes rising up to 800 m above the crater and producing a plume drifting 10 km to the west and northwest. Shock waves
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