Monday 30 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.7 earthquake hits Salta, Argentina.

5.4 earthquake hits the Kermedec Islands.

5.1 earthquake hits southern Sumatra, Indonesia.

5.1 earthquake hits the Andreanof Islands in the Aleutian Islands.

5.1 earthquake hits Samar in the Philippines.

5.1 earthquake hits Tonga.

5.0 earthquake hits the Fox Islands in the Aleutian Islands.

5.0 earthquake hits Tonga.

5.0 earthquake hits the southwest Indian ridge.

5.0 earthquake hits Taiwan.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

There are no current tropical Storms.


Iran – The Red Crescent in Iran reported flooding in 8 provinces of the country after days of heavy rain. Areas affected are in the province of Ilam, Bushehr, Khuzestan, Fars, Qazvin, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, Golestan and Lorestan.

Italy – At least three people have died in flash flooding that struck after heavy rain on the island of Sardinia, Italy, from 28 November 2020. Three fatalities were reported in the municipality Bitti in Nuoro Province. Flood waters and mud swept through the streets of the town of Bitti. Heavy rain also caused landslides in the area. Roads, bridges, houses and vehicles have all been damaged or destroyed. Around 40 people were evacuated. Flooding and severe weather including strong winds affected other parts of the island. Italian fire and rescue service, Vigili del Fuoco, said on 29 November that it had responded to over 300 interventions.

India – Officials in the state of Tamil Nadu, India, said at least 3 people died during the passage of Cyclone Nivar after it made landfall to the north of Puducherry on 26 November 2020. Wind gusts of 145 km/h caused severe damage across Tamil Nadu, including over 1,000 trees uprooted. According to reports from news agency Press Trust of India (PTI), some low-lying areas were marooned due to water-logging in Tamil Nadu including parts of Chennai, following heavy rains in the wake of the cyclone. Flooding was also reported in the union territory of Puducherry. Authorities in Tamil Nadu said thousands of people had been moved to safe shelters across the state in preparation. A public holiday was declared for 25 and 26 November in order to limit damage from the storm.

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Ocean Plastic Pollution

The international nonprofit advocacy organization, Oceana, released a new report this month that lists plastic pollution as the #1 killer of marine wildlife. The team of researchers surveyed government agencies, organizations, and institutes to collect data on how plastic pollution is impacting marine life.

The researchers say the biggest problem they found was animals consuming plastic. This can happen due to an animal mistaking plastic for food or inadvertently swallowing plastic materials while swimming. Becoming entangled in plastic was also listed as a frequent problem. This can lead to the animal choking, suffering physical trauma, or not being able to feed properly.

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Space Events

Meteor over Japan

A fireball “as bright as the full Moon” was seen in the skies over western Japan early on Sunday morning, according to Japanese media. The object is believed to have been a bolide, which is a very bright meteor. Takeshi Inoue, director of the Akashi Municipal Planetarium in Hyogo Prefecture, told Kyodo News that meteors this bright are rare and that the meteor seems to have been “as bright as the full moon,” accompanied by a rumbling sound.

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Wildfires – Australia

Scores of bushfires are threatening parts of Australia during a record heat wave — including an out-of-control blaze that prompted evacuations in Sydney Sunday and another fire ravaging the popular Queensland tourist destination of Fraser Island. In the western Sydney suburb of Northmead, families were evacuated as the bushfire burned “dangerously close” to homes. Later reports say at least one home was destroyed by the fire.

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Sunday 29 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.5 earthquake hits the southern east Pacific rise.

5.4 earthquake hits Vanuatu.

5.4 earthquake hits Chiapas, Mexico.

5.1 earthquake hits southern Iran.

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Global Warming

5 ways climate change is already hurting your health

Heat-related illness – As the planet gets warmer, people across the globe are beginning to feel the heat. More heat-related deaths are occurring. Heat waves aggravate illnesses like asthma, diabetes, mental health disorders and kidney disease.

Infectious disease – As climate change alters environmental conditions across the planet, so too does it affect the geographic distribution of infectious diseases. Warmer temperatures around the globe cause rising sea levels, warmer seawater, and either more frequent or increasingly severe natural disasters like hurricanes and flood. And each of these events is associated with a range of infectious diseases, including life-threatening diarrheal disease, respiratory infections, and skin infections.

Extreme weather events – 2020 has also witnessed a record-breaking hurricane season as well as wildfires and floods across the globe — and climate change is thought to be contributing to the severity of all of these extreme weather events.

Air quality – Another way climate change affects human health is through its impact on air quality. While the burning of fossil fuels directly pollutes the air, global warming that’s a byproduct of fossil fuel combustion also contributes to and exacerbates worsening air quality. Increasing wildfires also impact of air quality.

Mental health and trauma – The psychosocial impact of extreme weather events is huge. People have their possessions and homes destroyed. They must move and rebuild and often are doing so with much of their wealth obliterated. This can cause significant mental distress, rates of depression and anxiety, as well as PTSD rise in survivors of such events.

Satellite images confirm uneven impact of climate change

Researchers have been following vegetation trends across the planet’s driest areas using satellite imagery from recent decades. They have identified a troubling trend: Too little vegetation is sprouting up from rainwater in developing nations, whereas things are headed in the opposite direction in wealthier ones. As a result, the future could see food shortages and growing numbers of climate refugees.

More than 40 percent of Earth’s ecosystems are arid, an amount that is expected to increase significantly over the course of the 21st century. Some of these areas, such as those in Africa and Australia may be savannah or desert, where sparse rainfall has long been the norm. Within these biomes, vegetation and wildlife have adapted to making use of their scant water resources, but they are also extraordinarily vulnerable to climate change.

Conversely, vegetation in arid areas of the world’s wealthier countries seems to be coping better with climate change. This is likely due to the intensification and expansion of larger farms, where more economic resources allow for, among other things, irrigation and fertilization.

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Saturday 28 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.2 earthquake hits the Kuril Islands.

5.1 earthquake hits the southern mid-Alantic ridge.

5.0 earthquake hits the Solomon Islands.

5.0 earthquake hits the South Sandwich islands.

5.0 earthquake hits off the east coast of Kamchatka.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

There are no current tropical Storms.


South East Asia – Around 25,000 people have been affected and thousands of homes damaged after recent flooding in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Malaysia reported that over 550mm of rain fell in Marang district of Terengganu State from 23 to 25 November. As of 27 November, the Kemaman and Tebak rivers in the state were both above danger levels. Meanwhile across the Malacca Strait from Malaysia, further heavy rain has affected parts of Sumatra Island of Indonesia, with severe flooding reported in Jambi Province in particular. In Sarolangun Regency, flooding has damaged 1,417 homes, affecting 7,085 people. Southern and central parts of Thailand also saw severe weather during this period, including thunderstorms, strong winds and heavy rain. Around 2,000 people from 268 households were affected by flash floods in Kanchanaburi, Phuket, Songkhla and Yala provinces.

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Global Warming

Greenhouse Rise

The U.N. weather agency says that while global carbon emissions fell by as much as 17% globally at times during the COVID pandemic, the levels of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere have continued to rise to even higher records this year.

“The lockdown-related fall in emissions is just a tiny blip on the long-term graph,” said World Meteorological Organization chief Petteri Taalas. “We need a sustained flattening of the curve.”

He added in a statement that such a rise in carbon dioxide levels as observed over the past four years has never been seen before, either in direct measurements from the atmosphere or in ice-core samples that reveal CO2 concentrations from up to 800,000 years ago.

Trees Lose their Leaves Earlier Due To Global Warming

Trees will start to shed their leaves earlier as the planet warms, a new study has suggested, contradicting previous assumptions that warming temperatures are delaying the onset of fall.

Every year, in a process known as senescence, the leaves of deciduous trees turn yellow, orange and red as they suspend growth and extract nutrients from foliage, before falling from the tree ahead of winter. Leaf senescence also marks the end of the period during which plants absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.

Global warming has resulted in longer growing seasons — spring leaves are emerging in European trees about two weeks earlier, compared with 100 years ago, researchers said.

Increases in spring and summer productivity that come as a result of elevated carbon dioxide, temperature and light levels then actually drive trees to lose their leaves earlier, the experts found. The experts now predict by the end of the century, leaves might even fall off three to six days earlier than at present.

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Blue Whales Return

Critically endangered blue whales, the largest creatures ever known to have existed, are returning to Britain’s sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia.

U.K. scientists say the whales appear to be growing in numbers around the island after being nearly wiped out by whaling 50 years ago. While only a single blue whale was seen there between 1998 and 2018, 58 were spotted in a survey in February of this year.

Another recent study found that humpback whales are also returning to the same waters.

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Friday 27 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.9 earthquake hits eastern Turkey.

5.6 earthquake hits Luzon in the Philippines.

5.3 earthquake hits the southwest Indian ridge.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

There are no current tropical Storms.


Uganda – Heavy rain in western Uganda has once again caused a deadly flooding in Kasese district. The flooding occurred in Buhuhira and Bwesumbu sub-counties after the Kuruhe river broke its banks on 24 November. According to the Uganda Red Cross, a house was destroyed by flood waters in the village of Kinyamagana in Bwensumbu sub-county, leaving at least 3 people dead and 5 more are feared missing. Search for the missing is ongoing.

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Lofty Plastic

Scientists report they have found the uppermost-recorded microplastic pollution on the planet near the summit of Mount Everest. An international team organized by England’s University of Plymouth says it collected “substantial quantities” of polyester, acrylic, nylon and polypropylene fibers at an elevation of 27,690 feet. The team says that while some could be from material carried up Everest by climbers, much of it could have been blown there by the powerful winds that often impact the mountain’s higher slopes. Plastic pollution has been found in recent years from the world’s highest mountain to its deepest ocean trench.

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Regal Death

The oldest lion in Kenya’s Maasai Mara Game Reserve died peacefully and with dignity after a 16-year reign in the park. Olorpapit had sired many offspring while shuttling between five separate prides, according to the reserve.

“It was a celebrity lion that was a darling to tourists,” Chief Warden James Sindiyo told the Nairobi News. It reports that as soon as word went out that the famous lion had passed, hundreds of tourists and wild cat lovers who had interacted with him sent condolences. The lion was said to have been injured when younger territorial lions attacked him a few weeks ago.

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Global Temperature Extremes

The week’s hottest temperature was 113 degrees Fahrenheit (45.0 degrees Celsius) in Rivadavia, Salta, Argentina.

The week’s coldest temperature was minus 50.0 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 45.5 degrees Celsius) in Oimyakon, Siberia.

Temperatures were tabulated from the more than 10,000 worldwide synoptic weather stations. The United Nations World Meteorological Organization sets the standards for weather observations, and provides a global telecommunications circuit for data distribution.

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Tick Bites – Warming Temperatures

Warmer temperatures may be causing blood-sucking ticks to shift their feeding preference from dogs to humans in a potentially growing threat to public health. This finding is alarming because ticks carry and can transmit deadly Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Experiments conducted at the University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine placed a human in one box and a dog in an adjacent one. The researchers watched at various temperatures as the ticks sniffed out which mammal would bring their next blood meal. While at 75 degrees Fahrenheit the ticks showed a distinct preference for the dog, they became 2.5 times more likely to prefer humans at around 100 degrees.

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Roundup of Global Volcanic Activity – Ongoing Activity for the Week 18 November 2020 – 24 November 2020

Aira – Kyushu (Japan) : JMA reported that during 16-23 November incandescence from Minamidake Crater (at Aira Caldera’s Sakurajima volcano) was visible nightly. One explosion and two eruptive events produced plumes that rose 1.4-1.6 km above the crater rim. The daily sulfur dioxide emission rate was high at 2,000 tons per day on 18 November. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a 5-level scale).

Copahue – Central Chile-Argentina border :SERNAGEOMIN reported that during 1-15 November activity at Copahue decreased to low levels. Passive gas emissions generally rose 200-300 m above the vent, though on 15 November they rose 760 m. The report also noted no changes to deformation, low levels of sulfur dioxide emissions, low seismicity, partial restoration of the crater lake, and the absence of nighttime crater incandescence since late October. The Alert Level was lowered to Green (the lowest level on a four-colour scale) on 15 November. ONEMI cancelled the Yellow Alert for the Alto Biobío municipality, but declared a “Preventive Early Warning” ensuring continued surveillance of the area and coordination within the Civil Protection System.

Dukono – Halmahera (Indonesia) : Based on satellite and wind model data, the Darwin VAAC reported that during 18-24 November ash plumes from Dukono rose to 1.8-2.1 km (6,000-7,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted in multiple directions. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 1-4), and the public was warned to remain outside of the 2-km exclusion zone.

Ebeko – Paramushir Island (Russia) :Volcanologists in Severo-Kurilsk (Paramushir Island), about 7 km E of Ebeko, observed explosions during 13 and 15-17 November that sent ash plumes up to 3.5 km (11,500 ft) a.s.l. and drifted NE, E, and SE. Ashfall was reported in Severo-Kurilsk during 16-17 November. The Aviation colour Code remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-colour scale).

Ibu – Halmahera (Indonesia) : PVMBG and the Darwin VAAC reported that on 19 and 22 November ash plumes from Ibu were identified in satellite images rising to 2.1 km (7,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifting SW and W. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 1-4), and the public was warned to stay at least 2 km away from the active crater, and 3.5 km away on the N side.

Kadovar – Papua New Guinea : Based on satellite and wind model data, the Darwin VAAC reported that on 18 November ash plumes from Kadovar rose to an altitude of 0.9 km (3,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted W and NW.

Karymsky – Eastern Kamchatka (Russia) : KVERT reported that a thermal anomaly over Karymsky was identified in satellite images on 15 and 19 November. The Aviation colour Code remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-colour scale).

Klyuchevskoy – Central Kamchatka (Russia) : KVERT reported that Strombolian activity at Klyuchevskoy continued during 13-20 November and lava advanced down the Apakhonchich drainage on the SE flank. A large, bright thermal anomaly was identified daily in satellite images. During 16-18 November explosions recorded in satellite and video data produced ash plumes that rose as high as 7.5 km (24,600 ft) a.s.l. and drifted 104 km E, SE, and S. The Aviation colour Code was raised to Orange (the second highest level on a four-colour scale) on 8 October.

Reventador – Ecuador : IG reported that a high level of activity continued to be recorded at Reventador during 17-24 November. Seismicity was characterized by explosions, volcano-tectonic and harmonic tremor events, and long-period earthquakes as well as signals indicating emissions. Gas, steam, and ash plumes, observed sometimes multiple times a day with the webcam or reported by the Washington VAAC, rose as high as 1.3 km above the summit crater and drifted mainly NW, W, and SW. Crater incandescence and incandescent blocks rolling 600 m down the NE and S flanks were observed during 17-21 and 23-24 November. The 450-m-long lava flow on the NE flank remained active but did not advance.

Sangay – Ecuador : IG reported a high level of activity at Sangay during 17-24 November. Seismicity was characterized by explosions, harmonic tremor, long-period earthquakes, and signals indicating emissions. Weather clouds sometimes prevented visual observations of the volcano, but the Washington VAAC and IG webcams recorded daily ash plumes that rose 900-2,100 m above the summit and drifted mainly W and SW.

Santa Maria – Guatemala : INSIVUMEH reported that explosions at Santa María’s Santiaguito lava-dome complex generated ash plumes that rose 1.1 km above the complex and caused ashfall in areas SW and E, based on El Observatorio Vulcanológico del Complejo Volcánico Santa María-Santiaguito (OVSAN) observations. Weak pyroclastic flows descended the W flank of Caliente cone.

Semeru – Eastern Java (Indonesia) : PVMBG reported that the eruption at Semeru continued during 17-24 November, though weather conditions sometimes prevented visual confirmation. Dense white-to-gray plumes rose up to 300 m above the summit. Crater incandescence was visible at night during 19-20 November and 11 incandescent avalanches traveled 500-1,500 m down the Kembar and Kobokan drainages on the S flank. Two eruptive events produced gray ash plumes that rose 100-200 m above the summit and drifted SW during 23-24 November. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-4), with a general exclusion zone of 1 km and extensions to 4 km in the SSE sector.

Semisopochnoi – United States : AVO reported that no signs of eruptive activity at Semisopochnoi had been recorded since mid-June. Seismicity had been elevated above background levels but declined to very low levels before 11 November, when the satellite the link to transmit the data failed. Both the Aviation colour Code and the Volcano Alert Level were lowered to Unassigned, reflecting the lack of available seismic data to detect unrest.

Sheveluch – Central Kamchatka (Russia) : KVERT reported that a thermal anomaly over Sheveluch was identified in satellite images during 13-20 November. The Aviation colour Code remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-colour scale).

Sinabung – Indonesia : PVMBG reported that at 1344 on 18 November an eruptive event at Sinabung generated an ash plume that rose 1 km above the crater rim and drifted SW. At 2137 on 21 November seismic data indicated an emission, though weather conditions prevented visual confirmation. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-4), with a general exclusion zone of 3 km and extensions to 5 km in the SE sector and 4 km in the NE sector.

Suwanosejima – Ryukyu Islands (Japan) : JMA reported nighttime incandescence and intermittent eruptive activity at Suwanosejima’s Ontake Crater during 13-20 November. A total of 18 explosions were recorded, ejecting bombs as far as 400 m from the crater and producing gray-and-white plumes that rose 1.5 km above the crater rim. Ashfall was reported in Toshima village (4 km SSW) on 13 November. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a 5-level scale).

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Thursday 26 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.8 earthquake hits southeast of Easter Island.

5.5 earthquake hits near the north coast of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea.

5.3 earthquake hits near the north coast of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea.

5.3 earthquake hits the Balleny Islands.

5.2 earthquake hits Halmahera, Indonesia.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

In the North Indian Ocean: Tropical cyclone 04b (Nivar), located approximately 804 nm southwest of Kolkata, India, is tracking west-northwestward at 07 knots.

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Syphilis – Japan

Syphilis was a major issue in Japan until shortly after the end of World War II, but the total reported cases declined to several hundred annually until 2011, when a rebound began.

In 2014, more than 1,600 cases were reported as worldwide numbers also increased. In 2015, the number of syphilis cases topped 2,000, a four-fold increase from just five years earlier. In 2016, Japan saw a 77 percent increase from 2015, topping 4,000 cases–and up by more than seven-fold from a decade ago. 2017, 2018 and 2019 saw more than 5,000 cases and 6,000 cases and once again in 2020, Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Tokyo (NIID) have reported that syphilis cases topped 5,000 for the fourth year in a row.

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Roundup of Global Volcanic Activity – New Activity for the Week 18 November 2020 – 24 November 2020

Merapi – Central Java (Indonesia) : BPPTKG reported that during 13-23 November sometimes dense white emissions from Merapi rose as high as 200 m above the summit. Avalanches of material traveled down the flanks, as far as 2 km in the Lamat drainage (W flank) at 0615 on 14 November. A comparison of photos taken on 11 and 19 November showed morphology changes in the summit area from a collapse of part of the 2018 dome and rockfalls from parts of the crater rim. Seismicity was higher than the previous week. A notable rockfall from the inner N crater rim was recorded by the webcam at 0650 on 22 November. Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) data continued to measure a distance shortening between points in the NW at a deformation rate of 9 cm per day during 13-19 November, though on 23 November the rate was 11 cm per day. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-4).

Sabancaya – Peru : Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) and Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico (INGEMMET) reported that seismicity at Sabancaya had increased on 11 November. During the following week, the number and magnitude of explosions increased, and crater incandescence was visible in satellite and webcam data. The increased activity likely signified lava effusion, and a new lava dome in the NE part of the summit crater was confirmed in satellite images on 16 November. The dome, named Iskay, was 110 x 130 m in dimension and about 12,000 square meters in area. An IGP scientist noted that the dome was 78% smaller than the dome that had formed at the end of 2019. A daily average of 49 explosions was recorded during 16-22 November. Gas-and-ash plumes rose as high as 3.5 km above the summit and drifted in multiple directions; ashfall was reported in the Huanca district on 22 November. Thirteen thermal anomalies over the crater were identified in satellite data. Minor inflation continued to be detected in areas N of Hualca Hualca (4 km N) and on the SE flank. The Alert Level remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-colour scale) and the public were warned to stay outside of a 12-km radius.

Whakaari/White Island – North Island (New Zealand) : The Wellington VAAC reported that during 20-24 November steam emissions from Whakaari/White Island contained minor amounts of ash. The plumes rose as high as 1.2 km (4,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted in multiple directions, based on webcam and satellite images and information from GeoNet.

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Wednesday 25 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.3 earthquake hits the mid-Indian ridge.

5.2 earthquake hits south of Fiji.

5.2 earthquake hits Tonga.

5.2 earthquake hits offshore El Salvador.

5.0 earthquake hits the Izu Islands off Jaan.

5.0 earthquake hits the Volcano Islands off Japan.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

In the North Indian Ocean: Tropical cyclone 04b (Nivar), located approximately 784 nm southwest of Kolkata, India, is tracking west-northwestward at 09 knots.

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Wildfires – Oregon, USA

On Labor Day night, many small fires sparked across Western Oregon. The wildfires quickly grew from small burns to tens of thousands of acres in a matter of hours. Easterly winds gusting 55 to 65 mph and higher pushed the fires down the river valleys, threatening homes, businesses, and lives.

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Botulism – Kyrgyzstan

Health officials in Kyrgyzstan are reporting 28 foodborne botulism cases through Oct. 2020, prompting a warning for the public. Of the 28 cases, 19 were reported in the Osh region.

Yellow Fever – Nigeria

Reports of a cluster of deaths from an undiagnosed disease were notified on 1 November 2020 through Event Based Surveillance in two states, Delta and Enugu, located in southern Nigeria. The disease has now been identified as yellow fever.

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Tuesday 24 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.5 earthquake hits Guam.

5.0 earthquake hits the Ceram Sea, Indonesia.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

In the North Indian Ocean: Tropical cyclone 04b (Nivar), located approximately 849 nm south-southwest of Kolkata, India, is tracking westward at 05 knots.

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Colombia – More people have died in landslides caused by heavy rain in the department of Antioquia, Colombia. A landslide struck in the village of Cachirime in Puerto Valdivia, Valdivia municipality on 23 November 2020. Two commercial buildings were buried in the landslide. After search and rescue operations were completed, it was confirmed that 7 people had died and 12 were injured.

Somalia – At least 8 people have died as a result of Tropical Storm Gati, which made landfall in Somalia on 22 November. Tropical Cyclone Gati made landfall in Somalia on 22 November 2020, primarily impacting parts of Bari region in Puntland State and then Sanaag region in Somaliland. Authorities said rainfall totals from the storm were greater than amounts normally seen for the whole year. In a 24 hour period, Bosaso recorded 128mm of rain and Balidhidin (also Balli Dhiddin) 103mm.

Italy – Over 200 people were rescued from floods in southern Italy over the weekend 20 to 22 November after more than 450mm of rain in 48 hours. orrential rain the Italy’s Calabria Region caused severe flooding in the provinces of Crotone and Cosenza, causing widespread damage. The regional government has requested a state of emergency.

South Africa – Heavy rain caused flash flooding in parts of KwaZulu-Natal, Free State and Gauteng, South Africa, from 20 November 2020. Four flood- and rain-related fatalities were reported. Damage was reported to roads and infrastructure. Local media said one person died after being swept away while trying to cross a river with strong currents in Umlazi, KwaZulu-Natal. Severe flooding was reported in Tshwane, Gauteng, with roads and bridges damaged and vehicles left stranded in flood water. Three young people died in a storm water trench in Hammanskraal on 21 November.

Indonesia – Heavy rain caused flooding and landslides in parts of Java and Sumatra Islands, western Indonesia from 19 November 2020. At least 3 fatalities were reported. Heavy rain caused a landslide in Pagelaran District, Cianjur Regency, West Java on 19 November. On person died and vehicles and roads were damaged.

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Monday 23 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.1 earthquake hits Catamarca, Argentina.

5.0 earthquake hits the Kuril Islands.

5.0 earthquake hits Somerset island, Canada.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

In the North Indian Ocean: Tropical cyclone 03a (Gati), located approximately 268 nm east-southeast of Aden, Yemen, is tracking west-northwestward at 08 knots.

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Global Warming

Global Warming Shifts Arctic Wildlife Movement Patterns

For animals in the Arctic, life is a balancing act. Seasonal cues, such as warmer spring temperatures or cooler temperatures in the fall, tell animals when to migrate, when to mate, and when and where to find food. Predators and prey, birds and mammals alike follow this natural schedule, and an overall shift of just a few days or weeks could have unknown impacts on these animals and ecosystems.

These changes in seasonal timing are already starting – although the shifts differ between species and populations – according to a new study published Nov. 5 in Science.

The timelapse shows the movement patterns for various animals (colors indicate different animal types) over the course of a year. Animal migration in the Arctic is highly seasonal, as various species and populations move around in search of food, suitable temperatures, and places to mate and raise their young.

Davidson etal2020 science

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Rhinos Return

Conservationists will repopulate Zimbabwe’s Gonarezhou National Park with black rhinos before the end of the year, bringing the critically endangered animals back 27 years after they went locally extinct.

The Gonarezhou Conservation Trust has hired 39 game rangers, mainly from areas around the park, and trained them to protect the returning rhinos. South Africa’s CAJ News reports the animals first went extinct in the area sometime in the 1930s or 1940s.

A similar reintroduction project between 1969 and 1977 saw rhino numbers increase to about 140 before a civil war in neighboring Mozambique caused the park to close. By 1994, the rhinos were extinct there again.

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Sunday 22 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

6.1 earthquake hits off the coast of O’Higgins, Chile.

6.0 earthquake hits near the east coast of Honshu, Japan.

5.6 earthquake hits northern Algeria.

5.3 earthquake hits the Ceram Sea, Indonesia.

5.0 earthquake hits Fiji.

5.0 earthquake hits near the coast of Honshu, Japan.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

In the North Indian Ocean: Tropical cyclone 03a (Three), located approximately 535 nm east-southeast of Aden, Yemen, is tracking westward at 18 knots.

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Dengue Fever – Costa Rica

Costa Rica health officials report that through the end of October, the number of dengue fever cases in the country has exceeded the total in all of 2019. The country counted 9,438 cases of dengue through Oct. 31, surpassing the total number of cases registered last year, which closed with 9,400.

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Saturday 21 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.7 earthquake hits Coquimbo, Chile.

5.1 earthquake hits southeast of the Loyalty Islands.

5.0 earthquake hits Tonga.

5.0 earthquake hits the Ceram Sea, Indonesia.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

There are no current tropical storms.


Colombia – Over 260,000 people have been affected by heavy rain, flooding or landslides in Colombia since mid-September and the start of the second rainy season. Rainfall intensified across northern departments of the country from 13 November, influenced by the passage of Hurricane Iota and by the development of La Niña conditions. The Islands of San Andrés and Providencia were directly affected by Hurricane Iota on 16 November. Around 80% of homes on the island of Providencia have been damaged or destroyed. In the period 13 to 19 November, Colombia’s Civil Defence reported flooding or landslides in 14 departments.

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Wildfires – Australia

The speed and ferocity of Thursday’s Yumali fire in South Australia is a prime example of the dangers faced this bushfire season, according to the Country Fire Service (CFS).

The Yumali fire burnt about 5000 hectares of crop, grass and scrub and with a home and a shed lost. It took about 10 minutes for the front to burn over three kilometres.

Wildfires – California/Nevada Border

The Mountain View fire has gown to 20,000-acres and is burning along the California-Nevada border. It has left one person dead. The wildfire south of Lake Tahoe has destroyed dozens of homes, according to the Mono County Sheriff. At least 80 homes in the town of Walker, California, have been leveled by the wildfire and about 400 residents are still under evacuation orders. The orders will remain in place as power lines have been severely damaged.

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Legionnaires Disease – Portugal

Public health authorities in Portugal are reporting a Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in the Greater Porto region of the northern region of the country. Three counties have been affected–Póvoa de Varzim, Vila do Conde and Matosinhos. The number of legionella cases diagnosed since the outbreak began on Oct. 29 is 85, including nine deaths.

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Friday 20 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.0 earthquake hits west of Macquarie Island.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

There are no current tropical storms.


DR Congo – Flooding struck on 15 November in areas around the town of Sake after torrential rain caused a river to break its banks. Several houses and schools were destroyed. Other media reports suggest several people are still missing. Further heavy rain has affected areas of eastern DRC, in particular in South Kivu Province where 3 people died in Kalehe Territory, about 60km south of Sake. Local officials said 3 people died, several houses were destroyed and the RN2 national road, which links Bukavu to Goma, cut.

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Pervasive Plastic

Researchers have found that most whales, turtles and fish may be swimming the world’s oceans with plastic in their bodies.

Writing in the journal Global Change Biology, Marga Rivas at Spain’s University of Almería and her team analyzed data from 112 published studies from the past decade. They conclude that 66% of all sea turtles had macroplastics and microplastics in their systems, while 55% were contaminated with a class called microfibers.

The highest rates of plastic contamination were in the Mediterranean and northeastern Indian Ocean.

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Global Warming

Marine Heat Wave

Climate experts warn that the third marine heat wave in four years is developing off northern New Zealand as the country enters the southern summer. Such a warm-water designation means the ocean temperatures have been cooler 90% of the time in the past. “We’re not even at the peak of our sea-surface temperatures, which typically occur over January and February,” said meteorologist Ben Noll of the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research.

Heat waves at sea can alter the marine ecosystem, bringing in species of fish and other aquatic life from more tropical waters. They can affect the land environment as well.

The 2018 marine heat wave off northern New Zealand led to a population boom of some land animals, including rodents.

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Global Temperature Extremes

The week’s hottest temperature was 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46.1 degrees Celsius) in Oodnadatta, South Australia.

The week’s coldest temperature was minus 50.0 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 45.5 degrees Celsius) in Oimyakon, Siberia.

Temperatures were tabulated from the more than 10,000 worldwide synoptic weather stations. The United Nations World Meteorological Organization sets the standards for weather observations, and provides a global telecommunications circuit for data distribution.

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Roundup of Global Volcanic Activity – Ongoing Activity for the Week 11 November 2020 – 17 November 2020

Aira – Kyushu (Japan) : MA reported that during 9-16 November incandescence from Minamidake Crater (at Aira Caldera’s Sakurajima volcano) was visible nightly. Two explosions on 10 November produced ash plumes that rose as high as 1.6 km above the crater rim and ejected bombs 600-900 m away from the crater. An eruptive event at 0708 on 16 November generated a plume that rose 1.3 km. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a 5-level scale).

Dukono – Halmahera (Indonesia) : Based on satellite and wind model data, the Darwin VAAC reported that during 11-17 November ash plumes from Dukono rose to 1.8-2.1 km (6,000-7,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted NW, SW, and S. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 1-4), and the public was warned to remain outside of the 2-km exclusion zone.

Ebeko – Paramushir Island (Russia) : Volcanologists in Severo-Kurilsk (Paramushir Island), about 7 km E of Ebeko, observed explosions during 6-13 November that sent ash plumes up to 3 km (10,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted NE and SE. A thermal anomaly was identified in satellite images during 7-8 November. The Aviation Color Code remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale).

Helgrindur – Iceland : IMO reported that the Alert Level for Helgrindur was raised from Gray (insufficient monitoring) to Green (normal, non-eruptive) on 12 November, reflecting the recent installation of three seismic stations along the peninsula. The new instruments will allow for better coverage and sensitivity for the detection of seismic unrest. The Alert Level scale consists of five colors.

Ibu – Halmahera (Indonesia) : PVMBG reported that on most days during 10-16 November ash plumes were visible rising 200-800 m above Ibu’s summit and drifting in multiple directions. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 1-4), and the public was warned to stay at least 2 km away from the active crater, and 3.5 km away on the N side.

Pacaya – Guatemala : INSIVUMEH reported that Strombolian activity and lava effusion continued at Pacaya during 10-17 November. Explosions from the cone in Mackenney Crater ejected material as high as 300 m above the vent. Lava flows on the SW flank varied in length between 800 and 1,200 m during 11-13 November. Visual observations overnight during 13-14 November revealed a new lava flow from a vent higher up on the SW flank. In a special report issued on 15 November CONRED and INSIVUMEH stated that lava effusion had increased on the SW flank. Avalanches of material traveled as far as 500 m and generated plumes of ash; a white-and-blue gas plume rose 450 m above the summit. Strong explosions at the summit crater ejected material 300 m high. The two parallel flows, 300-1,000 m long, were active through 17 November.

Sabancaya – Peru : Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) reported a daily average of 54 explosions at Sabancaya during 9-15 November. Gas-and-ash plumes rose as high as 3.3 km above the summit and drifted NE, N, and NW. Eleven thermal anomalies over the crater were identified in satellite data. Minor inflation continued to be detected in areas N of Hualca Hualca (4 km N) and on the SE flank. The Alert Level remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale) and the public were warned to stay outside of a 12-km radius.

Santa Maria – Guatemala : INSIVUMEH reported that a moderate explosion at Santa María’s Santiaguito lava-dome complex was recorded at 0715 on 16 November and produced an ash plume that rose 1.1 km above the complex. Pyroclastic flows descended multiple directions; the longest one reached the upper part of the San Isidro drainage. Ash plumes drifted SW.

Semeru – Eastern Java (Indonesia) : PVMBG that at 0921 on 11 November an ash plume from Semeru rose 300 m above the summit and drifted S. Weather conditions prevented views of the volcano during most of 10-17 November. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 1-4).

Sheveluch – Central Kamchatka (Russia) : KVERT reported that a thermal anomaly over Sheveluch was identified in satellite images during 6-13 November. The Aviation Color Code remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale).

Sinabung – Indonesia : PVMBG reported that during 10-12 November activity at Sinabung was characterized by ash plumes that rose as high as 2 km above the summit, pyroclastic flows that traveled 1.5-2.5 km E and SE, and block avalanches that traveled 200-1,000 m E and SE. Sometimes dense white plumes rose 200-500 m above the summit during 14-16 November. Block avalanches descended the E and SE flanks as far as 1 km during 14-15 November. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-4), with a general exclusion zone of 3 km and extensions to 5 km in the SE sector and 4 km in the NE sector.

Snaefellsjokull – Iceland : IMO reported that the Alert Level for Snaefellsjokull was raised from Gray (insufficient monitoring) to Green (normal, non-eruptive) on 12 November, reflecting the recent installation of three seismic stations along the peninsula. The new instruments will allow for better coverage and sensitivity for the detection of seismic unrest. The Alert Level scale consists of five colors.

Stromboli – Aeolian Islands (Italy) : INGV reported that during 9-15 November activity at Stromboli was characterized by ongoing explosive activity from Area N (North Crater area) and in Area C-S (South-Central Crater area). Explosions from the N1 vent (Area N) ejected lapilli and bombs 80-250 m high, and produced ash emissions. Explosions at three N2 vents (Area N) ejected a mix of coarse and fine material at a rate of 6-10 events per hour. Explosions from vents in Area C-S also ejected fine material 150 m high at a rate of 1-2 events per hour. A series of at least four explosions began at 2104 on 10 November with a major, six-minute-long explosion in the southern part of Area C-S. The event ejected pyroclastic material which fell radially and along the Sciara del Fuoco, and produced a vertical ash plume. Within 30 seconds a second pulse of activity from the central crater area ejected coarse material 300 m above the vent and then produced in tense lava fountaining. A small explosion from vent N2 concluded the series. During an overflight the next day, scientists identified thermal anomalies from lava at the bottom of the S1 and C craters (central part of crater terrace) and craters N1 and N2. A small lava flow from S1 was also visible, and a small hornito (h1) had formed just outside the crater. A second hornito (h2) had formed on the south flank of N2. A series of major explosive and landslide events began at 1017 on 16 November and lasted for four minutes (based on the seismic signals). Explosions produced a dense ash cloud that rose 1 km, and within minutes caused ash and lapilli to fall in the town of Stromboli, about 2 km away on the NE coast of the island. A pyroclastic flow rapidly descended the Sciara del Fuoco to the NW coastline and expanded 200 m over the sea surface.

Suwanosejima – Ryukyu Islands (Japan) : JMA reported nighttime incandescence and intermittent eruptive activity at Suwanosejima’s Ontake Crater during 6-13 November. A total of 35 explosions were recorded, ejecting bombs up to 700 m from the crater and producing gray-and-white plumes that rose 1.8 km above the crater rim. Ashfall was periodically reported in Toshima village (4 km SSW). The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a 5-level scale).

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Thursday 19 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

There have been no magnitude 5+ earthquakes reported so far today.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

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In the Eastern Pacific Ocean: Tropical depression 21e (Polo, located approximately 946 nm south of San Diego, is tracking westward at 10 knots.


Venezuela – Parts of north-western Venezuela have seen severe flooding over the last few days, with at least 5 fatalities reported and thousands of families affected. Flooding wreaked havoc, damaging hundreds of homes, along with roads and bridges.

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Wildfires – California, USA

Wind-whipped wildfires burned in the eastern Sierra and in Reno, where an out-of-control blaze destroyed or damaged about 12 homes and buildings in one neighborhood and forced hundreds to evacuate.

The Mountain View fire was burning in the Mono County town of Walker near the California-Nevada border and had grown to 5,000 acres in just hours, forcing evacuations and shutting down Highway 395, according to authorities. The fire broke out at around noon Tuesday in the area of Walker south of Topaz Lake along Highway 395.

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Lassa fever – Nigeria

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) reported an additional five confirmed Lassa fever cases last week, including one death, bringing the total confirmed cases/deaths for 2020 through the first week of the year to 1136 and 234 deaths.

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Roundup of Global Volcanic Activity – New Activity for the Week 11 November 2020 – 17 November 2020

Karymsky – Eastern Kamchatka (Russia) : KVERT reported that a thermal anomaly over Karymsky was identified in satellite images during 7-9 and 12 November. An explosion on 8 November produced an ash plume that rose to 8 km (26,200 ft) a.s.l. and drifted 230 km NE. The Aviation Color Code remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale).

Klyuchevskoy – Central Kamchatka (Russia) : KVERT reported that Strombolian activity at Klyuchevskoy continued during 6-13 November and lava advanced down the Apakhonchich drainage on the SE flank. Gas-and-steam emissions contained some ash and during 7-9 November drifted 85 km E. A large bright thermal anomaly was identified daily in satellite images. The Aviation Color Code was raised to Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale) on 8 October.

Merapi – Central Java (Indonesia) : BPPTKG reported that during 6-12 November sometimes dense white emissions from Merapi rose as high as 250 m above the summit. The report noted that the lava-dome volume was an estimated 200,000 cubic meters based on analyses of drone images captured on 3 November. Avalanches of material traveled 3 km down the WSW flank in the Putih/Sat drainage at 1450 on 8 November. Photos from 11 November showed no changed to the morphology of the lava dome in the summit crater. Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) data continued to detect shortening between points in the NW at a deformation rate of 10 cm per day. Seismicity was higher than the previous week. On 13 November BPPTKG noted that avalanches had been traveling 1-3 km down the N and NW flanks, indicating summit instability. Authorities recommended no activities within 5 km of the summit. BNPB reported that as of 15 November more than 1,800 residents from the surrounding districts of Boyolali, Magelang, Klaten, and Sleman had been relocated to shelters. Livestock was also being relocated, particularly from three villages within 7 km of the summit. PVMBG noted that less than a dozen rock avalanches were heard at observations posts during 15-17 November. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-4).

Whakaari/White Island – North Island (New Zealand) : Following a period of severe weather, on 11 November GeoNet reported some mainland observations of darker plumes and deposits on webcams; scientists conducted an overflight of Whakaari/White Island on 12 November to investigate. Aerial observations confirmed the presence of ash in the emissions, originating from the main steam vent at the back of the crater lake. An initial analysis indicated that the ash was from loose material around the vent being entrained into the gas-and-steam plumes. The Volcanic Alert Level was raised to 2 and the Aviation Color Code remained at Yellow reflecting greater unrest at the surface. There was no notable change in the location and size of active vents, though rainwater had created a small shallow lake on the floor of the 1978/90 Crater. A small earthquake sequence and several episodes of slightly increased volcanic tremor were recorded the previous week; the seismic data and observations were unusual for the volcano and may be coincident with the ash in the plume. Gas output was higher than previous recent observations; carbon dioxide flux was 2,390 tonnes/day and sulfur dioxide flux was 618 tonnes/day. The Wellington VAAC noted that the gas, steam, and ash plumes rose to1.5-1.8 km (5,000-6,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted E and SE during 12-14 November, based on satellite data, reports from pilots, and GeoNet. Small amounts of ash continued to be present in emissions seen during an overflight on 16 November. Laboratory data showed that the particulates were hydrothermal minerals and old volcanic material, with no fresh magmatic ash signatures. Carbon dioxide flux was 1,937 tonnes/day and sulfur dioxide flux was 710 tonnes/day, overall slightly lower than the previous measurement but still above background levels. Seismicity remained similar to the previous week, characterized by a sequence of small earthquakes, a larger than normal volcanic earthquake located close to the volcano, and ongoing low-level volcanic tremor. Re-suspended ash to 460 m (1,500 ft) a.s.l. that drifted E and NE was reported by the VAAC during 16-17 November.

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Wednesday 18 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.1 earthquake hits Vanuatu.

5.1 earthquake hits southern Sumatra, Indonesia.

5.0 earthquake hits the Izu Islands off Japan.

5.0 earthquake hits the southern east Pacific rise.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

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In the Atlantic Ocean: Tropical Depression Iota is located about 20 mi…35 km nw of El Papalon El Salvador and about 55 mi…90 km e of San Salvador El Salvador with maximum sustained winds…35 mph…55 km/h. Present movement…wsw or 255 degrees at 13 mph…20 km/h.

In the Eastern Pacific Ocean: Tropical depression 21e (Twenty-one), located approximately 1034 nm south of San Diego, is tracking west-northwestward at 10 knots.

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Indonesia – At least 5 people have died after heavy rain caused landslides in Central Java Province of Indonesia. According to the country’s disaster management agency BNPB, the landslides occurred on 17 November in 2 villages in Sumpiuh District, Banyumas Regency.

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Wildfires – Texas, USA

Crews have been battling a large wildfire Tuesday in the Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge. The fire started about 10 p.m. Monday and scorched about 150 acres. He said about 1,500 acres had been burned by Tuesday afternoon. Cooper said the fire is not contained but is entirely within the refuge. No injuries and no structural damage has been reported.

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Ebola – DR Congo

In a follow-up on the 11th Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the World Health Organization (WHO) announced today the outbreak has been declared over.

Avian Influenza A(H5N1)- Lao People’s Democratic Republic

The Ministry of Health in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) reported a human case of infection with an avian influenza A(H5N1) virus.

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Tuesday 17 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

6.2 earthquake hits Kapulauan Mentawai, Indonesia.

5.4 earthquake hits the Solomon Islands.

5.3 earthquake hits offshore Atacama, Chile.

5.1 earthquake hits the Santa Cruz Islands.

5.0 earthquake hits the Ryukyu Islands off Japan.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

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In the Atlantic Ocean: Hurricane Iota is located about 10 mi…15 km ene of El Pia Nicaragua and about 65 mi…105 km wsw of Puerto Cabezas Nicaragua with maximum sustained winds…105 mph…165 km/h. Present movement…w or 270 degrees at 9 mph…15 km/h.

In the Southern Hemisphere: Tropical cyclone 01s (Alicia), located approximately 596 nm south of Diego Garcia, is tracking southwestward at 04 knots.

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Colombia – A landslide occurred in Dabeiba Municipality on 13 November, destroying buildings and roads in the area. According to the department’s disaster agency Dapard, as of 16 November, at least 4 people were dead and 7 were still missing. Eight survivors have been found. A total of 497 people have been affected from 180 families. Twenty people were reported injured. The landslide destroyed 67 homes and damaged 104 other, along with 3 schools and 5.5 km of roads. Dapard also reported flooding in the department after heavy rainfall caused the Penderisco River to break its banks in Urrao. At least 2 bridges were damaged or destroyed, limiting access to some remote areas.

Somalia – Flooding has worsened in Somalia in the last few days, with over 200,000 people now affected. In Baidoa town, South West State, more than 66,000 people including IDPs have been affected, of whom 6,000 have been displaced. Thousands of hectares of farmland have been inundated particularly along the river basins.

Guatemala – A landslide struck in Agua Caliente village in the Camotán municipality in the early hours of 14 November 2020 after heavy rain. At least 10 people were buried when the landslide caused the wall of a building to collapse. Average later reported 7 people had died and 3 survived.

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Monday 16 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

6.1 earthquake hits Mindanao in the Philippines.

5.2 earthquake hits Salta, Argentina.

5.0 earthquake hits Tajikistan.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

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In the Atlantic Ocean: Hurricane Iota is located about 25 mi…40 km ne of Isla de Providencia Colombia and about 170 mi…275 km se of Cabo Gracias a Dios on nic/hon border with maximum sustained winds…145 mph…230 km/h. Present movement…w or 280 degrees at 10 mph…17 km/h.

In the Southern Hemisphere: Tropical cyclone 01s (Alicia), located approximately 552 nm south of Diego Garcia, is tracking south-southwestward at 10 knots.

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Philippines – The flood situation in the northern Philippines continues to worsen after torrential rainfall brought by Typhoon Vamco, known locally as Ulysses. As of 15 November, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) reported 173 incidents of flooding and 38 incidents of landslides. Over 1.7 million people have been affected across the region. 22,756 houses have been damaged and 3,096 totally destroyed. As many as 324,617 people have been displaced from their homes and moved to 2,991 evacuation centres.

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Global Warming

Global warming will continue no matter what we do

Even if humanity stopped emitting greenhouse gases tomorrow, Earth will warm for centuries to come and oceans will rise by metres, according to a controversial modelling study published Thursday.

Natural drivers of global warming — more heat-trapping clouds, thawing permafrost, and shrinking sea ice — already set in motion by carbon pollution will take on their own momentum, researchers from Norway reported in the Nature journal Scientific Reports.

“According to our models, humanity is beyond the point-of-no-return when it comes to halting the melting of permafrost using greenhouse gas cuts as the single tool, If we want to stop this melting process we must do something in addition — for example, suck CO2 out of the atmosphere and store it underground, and make Earth’s surface brighter.”

The core finding — contested by leading climate scientists — is that several thresholds, or “tipping points”, in Earth’s climate system have already been crossed, triggering a self-perpetuating process of warming, as has happened millions of years in the past. One of these drivers is the rapid retreat of sea ice in the Arctic.

Global warming

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Wildfires – Kansas, USA

More than a dozen fire departments are fighting a wildfire in Kansas 10 miles east of Hutchinson. The fire had burned 3,000 acres in grass, cottonwood trees, and cedar trees by 9:00 am.

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Sunday 15 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.2 earthquake hits Tarapaca, Chile.

5.2 earthquake hits the mid-Indian ridge.

5.0 earthquake hits Leyte in the Philippines.

5.0 earthquake hits near the coast of Nicaragua.

5.0 earthquake hits the Ryukyu Islands off Japan.

5.0 earthquake hits west of Gibraltar.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

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In the Atlantic Ocean: Hurricane Iota is located about 275 mi…445 km e of Isla de Providencia Colombia and about 415 mi…670 km ese of Cabo Gracias a Dios on nic/hon border with maximum sustained winds…80 mph…130 km/h. Present movement…w or 280 degrees at 6 mph…9 km/h.

Tropical Depression Theta is located about 650 mi…1050 km se of the Azores with maximum sustained winds…35 mph…55 km/h. Present movement…e or 90 degrees at 3 mph…6 km/h.

In the Western Pacific Ocean: Typhoon 25w (Vamco), located approximately 145 nm northwest of Da Nang, Vietnam, is tracking west-northwestward at 15 knots.

In the Southern Hemisphere: Tropical cyclone 01s (Alicia), located approximately 349 nm south-southeast of Diego Garcia, is tracking southwestward at 13 knots.

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Saturday 14 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.4 earthquake hits off the coast of Sinaloa, Mexico.

5.4 earthquake hits Macquarie Island.

5.3 earthquake hits Vanuatu.

5.2 earthquake hits Pakistan.

5.1 earthquake hits Myanmar.

5.0 earthquake hits Nevada, USA.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

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In the Atlantic Ocean: Tropical Storm Theta is located about 540 mi…875 km se of the Azores with maximum sustained winds…40 mph…65 km/h. Present movement…e or 90 degrees at 8 mph…13 km/h.

Tropical Storm Iota is located about 340 mi…545 km sse of Kingston Jamaica and about 570 mi…920 km e of Cabo Gracias a Dios on nic/hon border with maximum sustained winds…40 mph…65 km/h. Present movement…wsw or 245 degrees at 5 mph…7 km/h.

In the Western Pacific Ocean: Typhoon 25w (Vamco), located approximately 111 nm east of Da Nang, Vietnam, is tracking westward at 11 knots.

In the Southern Hemisphere: Tropical cyclone 01s (Alicia), located approximately 366 nm east-southeast of Diego Garcia, is tracking southwestward at 16 knots.

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Indonesia – Flooding affected different parts of Indonesia after heavy rainfall during a period 08 to 11 November 2020. Three people were injured, 485 affected and 97 buildings damaged after severe weather including heavy rain, floods and strong winds struck Sumbawa Regency in West Nusa Tenggara Province on 09 November. Strong winds also affected Bondowoso Regency. Elsewhere in the province, flooding struck West Sumbawa and West Lombok regencies on 11 November, affecting 504 people and damaging 102 homes. Meanwhile flooding in the provinces of Jambi, West Sumatra and Riau on Sumatra Island has affected almost 3,000 people. On 08 November, flooding in the city of Sungai Penuh in Jambi province damaged 150 homes and affected 1250 people. On 09 November the Batang Pangian and Batang Gringging Rivers broke their banks flooding parts of South Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province. Around 114 homes were damaged and 850 people affected. Also on Sumatra Island, local media reported that floods hit Indragiri Hulu Regency in Riau after heavy rain caused the Batang Cenaku River to break its banks on 10 November. Around 400 homes were flooded in total, some of them severely, forcing at least 200 families to evacuate.

North Carolina, USA – Severe flash flooding was reported across North Carolina, in particular in Alexander, Wake and Iredell Counties and areas of Charlotte. At least 3 people died and 31 were rescued after a flash floods swept through a camping ground near the South Yadkin River in Alexander County. Three other people are thought to be still missing. In a separate incident, 1 person died in Alexander County when flood waters destroyed a bridge.

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Wildfires – Australia

Fraser Island – A dangerous bushfire on Fraser Island is “within a couple of kilometres” of popular camping spot Cathedrals on Fraser, according to emergency responders. Holiday makers and residents were told to leave the area earlier this afternoon as the bushfire that has been burning for a month approached.

Queensland – A large bushfire has broken out between Rockhampton and Mackay. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services crews are currently on scene at the blaze near Pint Pot Mountain, at St Lawrence. QFES said while the fire was posing no threat to property at the present time.

Wildfires – California

The recent snow in the higher elevations has been very beneficial to slowing a pair of wildfires in Yosemite National Park. Containment is now estimated at 90-percent on both the 6,900 acre Blue Jay Fire and 2,000-plus acre Wolf Fire. Both were ignited over the summer by lightning, and are situated at elevations of about 9,000 feet.

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Rift Valley Fever – Mauretania

The Ministry of Health (MoH) notified WHO that between 13 September and 1 October 2020, eight cases of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) including seven deaths were confirmed in animal breeders. Between 4 September to 7 November 2020, a total of 214 people were sampled and their samples have been sent to the INRSP for laboratory testing with a total of 75 testing positive for RVF. Thus far a total of 25 deaths have been reported from this outbreak.

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Friday 13 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.2 earthquake hits the Celebes Sea.

5.0 earthquake hits Fiji.

5.0 earthquake hits eastern Sichuan, China.

5.0 earthquake hits the western-Indian Antarctic ridge.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

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In the Atlantic Ocean: Post-Tropical Cyclone Eta is located about 85 mi…135 km se of Wilmington North Carolina with maximum sustained winds…45 mph…75 km/h. Present movement…ene or 60 degrees at 21 mph…33 km/h.

Tropical Storm Theta is located about 445 mi…715 km sse of the Azores with maximum sustained winds…60 mph…95 km/h. Present movement…e or 90 degrees at 12 mph…19 km/h.

In the Western Pacific Ocean: Typhoon 25w (Vamco), located approximately 354 nm east of Da Nang, Vietnam, is tracking westward at 11 knots.

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Philippines – 1 person has died and 4 are missing in Camarines Norte Province of Bicol Region in the Philippines after Typhoon Vamco, known locally as Ulysses, passed over parts of Luzon Island. Vamco intensified into a typhoon as it made landfall in the vicinity of Patnanungan in Quezon Province, Calabarzon Region late on 11 November 2020. It then passed over northern Calabarzon and Central Luzon Regions and close to the Metro Manila area, bringing torrential rainfall and wind gusts of 205 km/h. Almost 200,000 people were pre-emptively evacuated ahead of the storm’s arrival, mostly in Bicol Region. As of 12 November, NDRRMC reported 36 incidents of flooding and 2 landslides across the regions of Cagayan Valley (Region II), Calabarzon and Bicol (Region V). Severe flooding was also reported in Metro Manila, where many low-lying areas were under water, particularly along the swollen Marikina river. Media described the flooding in Metro Manila as the worst in years.

Somalia – At least 73,000 people have been affected by the widespread rains and floods, mainly in Banadir, Jubaland, Hirshabelle, Galmudug and South West region. More than 13,000 people have been displaced by flooding, and reported 4 suspected deaths, according to field reports. Among those affected are more than 53,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) and members of the host community in Baidoa town, in South West State, whose living conditions were already dire. An estimated 4,000 people have been temporarily displaced from their homes in the town, of whom one third have been evacuated to higher grounds in northern Baidao. Also in South West State, overflowing water from River Shabelle has reportedly inundated six villages in Afgooye area, affecting 8,000 people, of whom 3,500 have been displaced.

Jamaica – More than 280 roads have been damaged by heavy rainfall and flooding in Jamaica in the last 3 weeks. Heavy rainfall associated with Tropical Storms Eta and Zeta has affected the island since late October 2020.

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‘Rivers’ of Warm Air Melt Antarctic Ice

Strengthening rivers of relatively warm and moist air blowing southward from the middle latitudes are melting huge patches of sea ice around Antarctica, new research reveals.

Diana Francis at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi and her colleagues found that these atmospheric rivers are now making the storms that rage around Antarctica more powerful by fuelling them with more water vapour.

The storms help churn up nutrients for marine life. But when amplified by the atmospheric rivers, they accelerate climate change by breaking up the sea ice and opening up large patches of darker ocean water. These openings, known as polynyas, reflect less solar energy back into space than the white ice, allowing the water to heat up.

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Efforts to Save Penguins

Scientists in South Africa are trying to save from extinction the only penguin that breeds in Africa by establishing a new colony at a protected site about 140 miles southeast of Cape Town.

More than 1 million pairs of what was once South Africa’s most abundant seabird thrived back in the 1920s. But people began harvesting their eggs for human consumption, helping to cause the populations to plunge to around 13,000 breeding pairs last year. Dwindling fish stocks and climate change have also contributed to the decline. About 50 hand-raised juvenile birds, abandoned by their parents, will be released each year to try to establish a colony at the De Hoop nature reserve.


Covid-19 Threat to Wildlife

Canadian researchers warn that whales and other marine mammals could become infected with COVID-19 through inadequately treated sewage effluents.

While no such cases have been reported, scientists at Dalhousie University say their genomic mapping determined that almost all whale, dolphin and porpoise species have the same or higher susceptibility to the coronavirus as humans. “Many of these species are threatened or critically endangered,” said Dalhousie’s Graham Dellaire. “In the past, these animals have been infected by related coronaviruses that have caused both mild disease as well as life-threatening liver and lung damage.”

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Global Temperature Extremes

The week’s hottest temperature was 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46.1 degrees Celsius) in Matam, Senegal.

The week’s coldest temperature was minus 60.0 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 51.1 degrees Celsius) at Vostok, Antarctica.

Temperatures were tabulated from the more than 10,000 worldwide synoptic weather stations. The United Nations World Meteorological Organization sets the standards for weather observations, and provides a global telecommunications circuit for data distribution.

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Roundup of Global Volcanic Activity – Ongoing Activity for the Week 28 October 2020 – 3 November 2020

Aira – Kyushu (Japan) ; JMA reported that during 2-9 November incandescence from Minamidake Crater (at Aira Caldera’s Sakurajima volcano) was visible nightly. Two explosions during 1-2 November produced ash plumes that rose as high as 1.8 km above the crater rim. An explosion was recorded at 1504 on 7 November but the weather conditions prevented visual conformation. The daily sulfur dioxide emission rate was high at 2,200 tons per day on 9 November. The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a 5-level scale).

Dukono – Halmahera (Indonesia) ; Based on satellite and wind model data, and information from PVMBG the Darwin VAAC reported that during 4-5, 7, and 9-10 November ash plumes from Dukono rose to 2.1 km (7,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted in multiple directions. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 1-4), and the public was warned to remain outside of the 2-km exclusion zone.

Ebeko – Paramushir Island (Russia) : Volcanologists in Severo-Kurilsk (Paramushir Island), about 7 km E of Ebeko, observed explosions during 30 October-6 November that sent ash plumes up to 4 km (13,100 ft) a.s.l. and drifted in multiple directions. A thermal anomaly was identified in satellite images on 4 November. The Aviation colour Code remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-colour scale).

Ibu – Halmahera (Indonesia) : The Darwin VAAC reported that during 4-5 November intermittent, discrete ash plumes from Ibu rose to 1.8 km (6,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted S and SSW. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 1-4), and the public was warned to stay at least 2 km away from the active crater, and 3.5 km away on the N side.

Irazu – Costa Rica : OVSICORI-UNA reported that Irazú’s seismic network recorded a significant landslide in the W part of the volcano on 4 November along with a lahar. A small thermal anomaly was detected in MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) satellite data.

Laguna del Maule – Central Chile-Argentina border : SERNAGEOMIN reported that 10 low-magnitude volcano-tectonic earthquakes were detected at the Laguna del Maule Volcanic Complex during 16-31 October; seismicity was low in the region where a swarm had occurred in June. Satellite data showed no deformation, surface changes, gas emissions, or thermal anomalies. On 6 November the Alert Level was lowered to Green, the lowest level on a four-colour scale. ONEMI cancelled the Yellow Alert for San Clemente, but declared a “Preventive Early Warning” ensuring continued surveillance of the area and coordination within the Civil Protection System.

Popocatepetl РMexico : CENAPRED reported that each day during 4-10 November there were 364-504 steam-and-gas emissions from Popocat̩petl, some of which contained minor amounts of ash. Gas-and-steam plumes drifted NW, SW, and SE. The Alert Level remained at Yellow, Phase Two (middle level on a three-colour scale).

Rincon de la Vieja – Costa Rica : OVSICORI-UNA reported that small-to-moderate hydrothermal eruptions at Rincón de la Vieja had greater amplitudes but were more sporadic during 2-9 November. An eruptive event at 0835 on 3 November produced a plume that rose 800 m above the crater rim.

Semeru – Eastern Java (Indonesia) : PVMBG reported that gray-and-white ash plumes from Semeru rising 500 m above the summit drifted S at 0752 on 4 November and SW at 0644 on 7 November. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 1-4).

Sheveluch – Central Kamchatka (Russia) : KVERT reported that a thermal anomaly over Sheveluch was identified in satellite images during 30 October-6 November. The Aviation colour Code remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-colour scale).

Sinabung – Indonesia : PVMBG reported that each day during 4-9 November block avalanches descended Sinabung’s E and SE flanks generally as far as 1 km. Pyroclastic flows traveled 1.5-2.5 km down the same flanks at least during 4-5 and 7 November. An eruptive event on 4 November generated a plume to an unknown height The Alert Level remained at 3 (on a scale of 1-4), with a general exclusion zone of 3 km and extensions to 5 km in the SE sector and 4 km in the NE sector.

Suwanosejima – Ryukyu Islands (Japan) : JMA reported nighttime incandescence and intermittent eruptive activity at Suwanosejima’s Ontake Crater during 30 October-6 November. A total of 24 explosions were recorded, ejecting bombs 400 m from the crater and producing a gray ash plume that rose 1.5 km above the crater rim. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a 5-level scale).

Villarrica – Chile : SERNAGEOMIN reported that Villarrica’s webcam recorded gas-and-ash emissions that rose no higher than 350 m above the crater rim at 1442 on 5 November, with similar activity during 0757-0808 and at 1412 on 6 November. An explosive event at 0051 on 8 November ejected incandescent material and produced a plume that rose 220 m. A gas-and-ash emission at 1814 on 10 November rose 320 m and drifted SSW. The Alert Level remained at Yellow, the second lowest level on a four-colour scale. ONEMI maintained an Alert Level Yellow (the middle level on a three-colour scale) for the municipalities of Villarrica, Pucón (16 km N), Curarrehue, and the commune of Panguipulli, and the exclusion zone for the public of 500 m around the crater.

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Thursday 12 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.4 earthquake hits the Philippines.

5.2 earthquake hits the Volcano Islands off Japan.

5.0 earthquake hits Taiwan.

5.0 earthquake hits Mindanao in the Philippines.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

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In the Atlantic Ocean: Tropical Storm Eta is located about 5 mi…10 km e of Cedar Key Florida and about 80 mi…130 km nnw of Tampa Florida with maximum sustained winds…50 mph…85 km/h. Present movement…ne or 40 degrees at 13 mph…20 km/h.

Tropical Storm Theta is located about 470 mi…760 km ssw of the Azores with maximum sustained winds…65 mph…100 km/h. Present movement…ene or 60 degrees at 12 mph…19 km/h.

In the Western Pacific Ocean: Typhoon 25w (Vamco), located approximately 149 nm west-northwest of Manila, Philippines, is tracking westward at 12 knots.

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The countries with the 10 greatest number of Covid-19 cases:

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Roundup of Global Volcanic Activity – New Activity for the Week 4 November 2020 – 10 November 2020

Barren Island | Andaman Islands (India) : The Darwin VAAC reported that an eruption at Barren Island on 5 November produced ash plumes that rose 1.5 km (5,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted SW and WSW.

Karymsky | Eastern Kamchatka (Russia) : KVERT reported that during 30 October and 1-2 November explosions at Karymsky produced ash plumes that rose to 6.5 km (21,300 ft) a.s.l. and drifted 60 km SW and NE. A thermal anomaly was identified in satellite images on those same days and additionally on 4 November. The Aviation colour Code remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-colour scale).

Klyuchevskoy | Central Kamchatka (Russia) : KVERT reported that Strombolian activity at Klyuchevskoy continued during 30 October-6 November and lava advanced down the Apakhonchich drainage on the SE flank. Gas-and-steam emissions contained some ash. A large bright thermal anomaly was identified daily in satellite images. The Aviation colour Code was raised to Orange (the second highest level on a four-colour scale) on 8 October.

Merapi | Central Java (Indonesia) : PVMBG and BPPTKG raised the Alert Level for Merapi to 3 (on a scale of 1-4) on 5 November because of increasing evidence of a potential eruption. The report noted that the number of earthquakes began increasing after the 21 June explosive eruption; seismicity intensified in October and continued an upward trend. Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM) data indicated a distance shortening of 4 cm between points in the NW just after the 21 June event, and then continued showing deformation at a rate of 3 mm per day through September. The rate increased to 9 cm per day in late October and reached 11 cm per day on 4 November. The seismicity and deformation rates were higher than the rates leading up to the extrusion of lava domes on 26 April 2006, but remained lower than the 2010 eruption precursory conditions. No morphological changes were visible; the lava-dome volume was an estimated 200,000 cubic meters on 3 November based on analyses of drone images. BPPTKG alerted 12 villages in hazardous areas spread across Yogyakarta and Central Java Province, and recommended that mining in local drainages and tourism around Merapi should cease. BNPB reported that after the Alert Level was raised 607 vulnerable people (children for example) were evacuated from Krinjing, Paten, and Ngargomulyo villages in Dukun District, Magelang Regency, and emergency supplies were sent to multiple susceptible communities.

Saunders | South Sandwich Islands (UK) : Gas emissions from Michael volcano on Saunders Island were possibly visible in satellite images drifting NE on 24 October. A clear view of the crater on 6 November revealed a thermal anomaly on the crater floor. Weather clouds often obscure views of Michael.

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Wednesday 11 November 2020


Magnitude 5+ Earthquakes – Global

5.3 earthquake hits Tajikistan.

5.2 earthquake hits Fiji.

5.0 earthquake hits North Macedonia.

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Storms and Floods

Tropical Storms – Roundup of Tropical Storms:

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In the Atlantic Ocean: Tropical Storm Eta is located about 130 mi…210 km wsw of Ft. Myers Florida and about 170 mi…270 km ssw of Tampa Florida with maximum sustained winds…70 mph…110 km/h. Present movement…nne or 15 degrees at 15 mph…24 km/h.

Tropical Storm Theta is located about 740 mi…1190 km sw of the Azores with maximum sustained winds…65 mph…100 km/h. Present movement…ene or 75 degrees at 8 mph…13 km/h.

In the Western Pacific Ocean: Typhoon 25w (Vamco), located approximately 139 nm east of Manila, Philippines, is tracking westward at 12 knots.

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Greece – Dozens of people were rescued in Greece after severe flooding on the island of Crete. Flash flooding struck on 10 November after days of heavy rain. Some areas saw more than 250mm of rain in 24 hours on 10 November. More heavy rain has fallen since. Flash flooding swept away vehicles and damaged roads and dozens of homes, mostly in northern parts of the island including the island’s capital, Heraklion. Schools were closed and residents were advised to stay indoors.

New Zealand – Record rainfall in has caused flooding in the city of Napier in New Zealand’s Hawkes Bay Region. NIWA Weather said Napier saw it wettest single hour on record when 54mm of rain fell between 17:00 and 18:00 on 09 November. A total of 242.4 mm of rain fell in the city in 24 hours to early 10 November – around 4 times the amount normally seen in November – making it the second wettest day on record for the city. The heavy rain brought widespread flooding, power outages and landslips.

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