Monday, 4 March 2013


Roundup of Global Volcanic Activity:

Etna (Sicily, Italy): Strombolian activity at the Voragine continued during the night and seems quite intense.

Taal (Luzon, Philippines): Earthquake activity has decreased over the past weeks to averages of about 3 weak events per day. PHILVOLCS continues to maintain alert level 1 (unrest).

Fuego (Guatemala): During the last hours, the lava effusion has significantly increased and the active lava flow towards the canyon Trinidad has reached 1,000 meters in length. At the summit, strombolian-type explosions are continuous and produce constant degassing sounds. INSIVUMEH warns in its special bulletin of the possibility of another larger eruption, that could include stronger explosions and pyroclastic flows generated by explosions and collapse of parts of the lava flow on the steep slope, in a similar way as during the strong eruption in mid February, only about 2 1/2 weeks ago.

Reventador (Ecuador): Magma continues to arrive in the summit crater, evidenced by glow observed during the night. The seismic station experiences transmission problems, but still shows many long-period earthquakes as sign of internal activity at the volcano.

Tungurahua (Ecuador): Weak explosions and ash emissions have continued, accompanied by ongoing elevated seismic activity. Light gray ash fall has affected areas SW of the volcano.

Heard (Australia, Southern Indian Ocean): Several hot spots are visible in and near the summit crater on MODIS satellite data, suggesting that activity (lava dome growth?, explosive activity?) is continuing.

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