Saturday 30 November 2013


Roundup of Global Volcanic Activity:

Etna (Sicily, Italy): The New SE crater has calmed down. Only very occasionally, a weak glow appeared from the summit vent at night, suggesting deep-seated activity still occurs from time to time.

Klyuchevskoy (Kamchatka): Activity has generally decreased over the past days. VAAC Tokyo reported a possible eruption early today, producing a small ash plume rising to 17,000 ft (5.1 km), i.e. a few hundred meters tall. Webcam images at that time are cloudy, but otherwise show the volcano is mostly quiet.

Sakurajima (Kyushu, Japan): Activity seems to increase and decrease in cycles of approximately a week's length. After the series of stronger explosions on 24-25 Nov, the past days have been calmer with fewer and less intense explosions (1-2 per day, ash plumes to 8,000 ft).

Sinabung (Sumatra, Indonesia): Visual activity has decreased. Ash emissions have become less intense and less frequent. However, this could be only a pause, and the risk of larger explosions that can occur unexpectedly remains high.

Dukono (Halmahera): A dense SO2 plume is visible on the latest NOAA satellite data, suggesting that (the ongoing) activity (weak to moderate strombolian explosions) is elevated at the moment.

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): CENAPRED reports no changes in activity. The number of explosive emissions of gas/steam and minor amounts of ash is very low (less than 10 per day). Weak glow remains visible at night and SO2 emissions elevated.

A volcano-tectonic quake of magnitude 2.2 was recorded yesterday at 04:33 local time.

Santa María / Santiaguito (Guatemala): Activity has been mainly effusive during the past days; no or few explosions occurred yesterday. The volcano observatory reports abundant avalanches from the active lava flows mainly on the NE side of the Caliente lava dome.

Pacaya (Guatemala): INSIVUMEH reports continuing weak strombolian activity. Small ash plumes at altitudes of 2.5-2.7 km drift up to approx. 10 km mainly to the SE.

Fuego (Guatemala): No significant changes in activity have occurred. The volcano produces small to moderate strombolian-type explosions with ash plumes rising up to about 800 m. The lava flows are no longer active.

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