Wednesday 19 March 2014


Roundup of Global Volcanic Activity:

Etna (Sicily, Italy): There have been no significant changes in activity. Mild strombolian explosions continue at the summit vent of the New Southeast Crater (NSEC) and lava emission continues to feed flows from the effusive vents at the eastern side of the cone.

Karymsky (Kamchatka): Intermittent strombolian to vulcanian explosions continue at the volcano. This morning, VAAC Tokyo reported an ash plume at 7,000 ft (2.1 km) altitude extending SE from Karymsky.

Sinabung (Sumatra, Indonesia): The volcano continues to be active with no significant changes, but an overall decreasing trend. Lava effusion feeds the viscous lava extrusion lobe on its southern flank, which has been mainly growing on its eastern side. No significant pyroclastic flows have occurred recently, only frequent smaller rockfalls. Small ash plumes continue to be regularly visible on satellite imagery. The most recent report by VSI shows that seismicity has decreased overall. Hybrid earthquakes, indicators of rock fracturing by magma moving into the system, have disappeared. This suggests that pressure and magma supply rate have dropped a lot and that the eruption could be ending in a near future.

Dukono (Halmahera): Intense explosive activity, probably strombolian-type, continue at the volcano. Darwin VAAC reports ash plumes at 8,000 ft (2.4 km) altitude extending 80 nautical miles to the SW.

Kilauea (Hawai'i): (17 Mar) Lava lake at Kilauea summit remains stable at a high point of 37m (124ft) and despite rainy and windy conditions over the weekend, the summit glow viewing is still clear and as bright as ever from the Jaggar Museum.

Santa MarĂ­a / Santiaguito (Guatemala): Activity remains essentially unchanged. Viscous lava flows are active on the E and SW sides of the Caliente dome. INSIVUMEH warns against the potential of hot lahars that the current and expected heavy rainfalls could trigger, re-mobilizing loose pyroclastic material that has been accumulating at the feet of the dome. The draining riverbeds of Nima I, Nima II, Samala, and San Isidro are the areas most at risk.

Fuego (Guatemala): Strombolian activity at the volcano has decreased a bit. Weak to moderate explosions occur at irregular intervals typically in the range of 1 hour, eject abundant incandescent lava to 100-150 m above the crater and generate avalanches on the upper slopes. The lava flow has stopped being active.

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