Thursday 5 November 2020


Roundup of Global Volcanic Activity – New Activity for the Week 28 October 2020 – 3 November 2020

Bezymianny | Central Kamchatka (Russia) – KVERT reported that a thermal anomaly over Bezymianny was identified in satellite images during 22-24 and 27-29 October. The N part of the lava dome was active and possibly advanced. The Aviation colour Code remained at Yellow (the second lowest level on a four-colour scale).

Karymsky | Eastern Kamchatka (Russia) – KVERT reported that during 23 and 25-26 October explosions at Karymsky produced ash plumes that rose to 5 km (16,400 ft) a.s.l. and drifted 75 km SE, NE, and NW. A thermal anomaly was identified in satellite images during 23-24, 26, and 28 October. The Aviation colour Code remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-colour scale).

Klyuchevskoy | Central Kamchatka (Russia) – KVERT reported that Strombolian activity at Klyuchevskoy continued during 23-30 October and lava advanced down the Apakhonchich drainage on the SE flank. Gas-and-steam emissions contained some ash. A large, bright thermal anomaly was identified daily in satellite images. The Aviation colour Code was raised to Orange (the second highest level on a four-colour scale) on 8 October.

Korovin | Andreanof Islands (USA) – On 28 October AVO raised the Aviation colour Code and Volcano Alert Level for Korovin to Yellow and Advisory, respectively, noting that activity was above background levels. Discrete earthquakes were detected over the previous two weeks and sulfur dioxide emissions were identified four times in satellite data on 15, 20, and 26 October. Low-level seismicity continued and no surficial activity was evident in cloudy or partly cloudy satellite images through 3 November.

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